Crafting a Life: The Hero’s Guide

Expanding Horizons

Crafting a Life: The Hero’s Guide

Expanding Horizons

“F-E-A-R has two meanings: 

‘Forget Everything And Run’ or 

‘Face Everything And Rise.’ 

The choice is yours.”  

Zig Ziglar


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About Me

Hi, I’m Andrew. From years of self-directed study on the soul and mythology I’ve become aware of the ways in which our everyday lives contain elements of mythology. I was first inspired by the writings of Joseph Campbell and his ideas around the Hero’s Journey. Following that the works of Carol Pearson and Jean Houston were more food for thought.

The Hero’s Journey is a Sacred Path, a Path of Heart, a Path to Wisdom, a way to connect to the inherent beauty in all life’s different manifestations, the Way of Crafting a Life.



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